Top 5 Unique CSS Properties to Enhance Your Website

About the CSS Properties

There are so many cool CSS3 properties for use in modern website today. They are completely overlooked and you have probably never heard of them!

Every property you add on your site is going to be noticed by users, so why not customize even the overlooked ones to give your users a true experience!

Today's list will feature 5 Unique CSS Elements I know will upgrade your website to the next level!

Our Unique CSS Properties

Here is the list of the top 5 Unique CSS Properties:

1. ::selection


The selection property is a really cool thing. I find it very overlooked in the design world. So the ::selection property basically changes all the attributes when you highlight an element.

Usually it is an ugly blue and white color but you can change it too anything like your main website color with white or black!

I would highly suggest using it on your next site! You can check it out here.

2. Scroll Bar Customization


Scrollbars are very overlooked in the design world. You may not realize it but Windows scrollbars are these ugly looking colors together.

So you can customize a scrollbar to be anything! From a different color to giving it a shadow. CSS literally let's you customize all parts of it!

You can learn to make a custom scrollbar in CSS right here.

3. Clip Path


Clip Path let's you make pretty much any shape imaginable. Ever wanted an arrow on your site? Just use a clip path!

it is so simple yet provides unimaginable shapes using plain selectors! All you have to do is design the shape you want using the clip path!

I would highly suggest using a generator to clip for you and give you the code! You can check one out here.

4. Cursor


This one is funny and that is because it is the cursor! You may not realize it but your cursor is the point of attention for the user!

You might as well make it look nice while your at it! A cool cursor is definitely noticed by users experiencing your site!

If you want to make a custom cursor check this out!

5. Shadows


This one may seem obvious as a nice one but shadows varies a lot! You can have box shadows on the inside or outside of the element or text.

Even create a convex or concave using shadows! It is the basis of cool CSS elements and I would highly suggest using it!

If you want to upgrade your site with shadows, you can check out a couple of elements form here that were made with shadows.

If you want to learn more about shadows, you can check them out here.


So now you know some of the most unique elements not too well know in the vast world of CSS! You should definitely try a couple of them in your next project!

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